Circuit 1 Tour

Level 5 on the Tour Pathway. Age 9-12 yrs.

  • Prerequisite Skill(s):
    A mastery of 10-ball, side-to-side rallies with orange ball on 60' court.
    A history of participation in multiple USTA 10U Orange tournaments.
  • Summary:
    Players in C1-Tour will transition to the green ball on the full, 78' court. The full-size court will require students to develop advanced ball-tracking and recovery in all directions. Players entering C1-Tour should be committed to 10U and 12U Tournament play and should play at least one USTA tournament every 2-3 months.
  • Level-up Skill(s):
    A mastery of 10-ball rallies integrating multiple stroke types over the full court.
    Competitive success in 10U and 12U tournaments.

To get started, book your first class in the scheduler below. You'll be asked to login and then purchase a FlexPass to continue booking. To view your booked classes or your account information, click "My Account" in the top right of the scheduler.

If this is your first class at Mountain View Tennis, choose "Create Profile" at login.

FlexPass 09 (Tier 1)
  • Visits: 9
  • Active: Mon, 2/10
  • Expires: Sun, 3/23
  • 1-2 visits / week
FlexPass 12 (Tier 2)
  • Visits: 12
  • Active: Mon, 2/10
  • Expires: Sun, 3/23
  • 2 visits / week
FlexPass 15 (Tier 3)
  • Visits: 15
  • Active: Mon, 2/10
  • Expires: Sun, 3/23
  • 2-3 visits / week

  All confirmed Mountain View Residents receive an additional 5% discount benefit at checkout. Visit or contact the front desk to provide a simple form of verification.

  See the Getting Started Guide before you "Create a Profile".
Every junior account must have a (1) personal email login and show the (2) student's real age.