Events + League Play

Team Challenges are fun matchplay events held once per season. Gain valuable feeback on your Group Series progress and put skills to the test!

USTA Adult Leagues offer an opportunity to join a yearlong team and commit to a regular schedule of competitive matchplay.

USTA Leagues

Join a USTA Team and level up with consistent matchplay.

All prospective teams must submit a request based on the registration guidelines and be approved by MVT prior to registering with the USTA.

  •      Calendar
  •      GuidelinesDetails
  •      Email InstructionsDetails

Junior Team Tennis

Join a MVT Team in addition to your weekly classes and level up with fun, competitive matchplay.

Weekly team practices and matches from October 18th - December 6th.

  •      Dates, Fees, Next Steps

School Outreach Program

The MVT Coaching Team takes professional clinics, including equipment, to enrich physical fitness programming at select Mountain View Schools.

  •      Dates, Fees, Next Steps